Diviner Rules
TET-37"- MLa - 5.5"
spacerA purple-mauve blend with a large appliqué throat above a green throat. Ext.; SEv.; 3 way branching; bud count 20; Reg. 2014 (QUEENSBURY RULES X DIVINERS HANDBOOK). From two of the finest hybridizing programs, Moldovan and C. Hanson, we bring you this new intro. It merges into one the best traits of each of its parents and displays vigorous healthy growth habit and a very attractive coloured flower. DIVINER RULES inherits the appliqué throat from DIVINERS HANDBOOK making it a standout in the garden. I have admired this select seedling for some time now and continue to be impressed with its consistent performance from year to year. Sometimes you know when you first see a seedling flower that it will one day be an introduction. That was the case with this daylily. Fertile both ways.
Price: $35.00 (DF)
Diviner Rules clump

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